Come join the fun!!!
AWANA begins
Wednesday, September 7th
AWANA meets every Wednesday night from 6:15 pm until 7:30 pm
from September through MAY.

Churches and parents get connected through weekly programs and special events that introduce children to Christ and build a biblical foundation for their faith. AWANA helps churches and parents worldwide raise children to know, love and serve Christ! We do this through: fully integrated programs for children; the best evangelism tools to reach unsaved children and families; teaching that builds an enduring biblical faith; healthy mentor and peer relationships; dynamic fun for children and adults alike!
Cubbies: for children ages three and four years old
Sparks: for children in kindergarten, grades one and two
T & T: for children grades three through sixth
2016-2017 AWANA Club Meeting Dates
Wednesday, September 7 AWANA Begin (Registration,Entrance book for new clubbers)
Wednesday, September 14 Bring a Friend (Bring a friend for extra points for your team)
Wednesday, September 21 Regular Night
Wednesday, September 28 Parent’s/Grandparents (Parents/grandparents join the clubbers)
Wednesday, October 5 Regular Night
Wednesday, October 12 Uniform Inspection Night (Earn ribbon & extra points for passing inspection
Wednesday, October 19 Regular Night
Wednesday, October 26 Harvest Night Dress-up encouraged. Non-scary costumes, please.
Wednesday, November 2 Regular Night
Wednesday, November 9 Veterans Day (Wear Red, White & Blue Night in honor of our Veterans)
Wednesday, November 16 “Giving Thanks” Night (Think of some things for which you are thankful.)
Wednesday, November 23 No Club Meetings-Thanksgiving Break-Travel safely.
Wednesday, November 30 Regular Night
Wednesday, December 7 Regular Night
Wednesday, December 14 “Happy Birthday, Jesus” Night (What is the best gift you could give Jesus?)
Wednesday, December 21
Wednesday, December 21 No club meetings-Christmas Break “Jesus is the Reason is the Reason for the Season"
Wednesday, December 28 No club meetings-Christmas Break
Wednesday, January 4 Regular Night
Wednesday, January 11 Silly Tie Night (It doesn’t have to be a real tie, make up your own)
Wednesday, January 18 Regular Night
AWANA GRAND PRIX CARS GO ON SALE 4 Different Models: Nascar, Indy, Block, Truck
(Race Day is just 6 weeks away on Saturday, February 25) Get started early so you won’t have to rush.
Wednesday, January 25 Super Bowl Night (Wear your favorite team’s colors)
Wednesday, February 1 Regular Night
Wednesday, February 8 Valentine’s Day (Wear red or hearts)
Wednesday, February 15 Regular Night
Wednesday, February 22 Crazy Hat Night (Design your own special hat to wear)
Saturday, February 25 GRAND PRIX RACE DAY (meet in gym 9:00 am)
Wednesday, March 1 Regular Night
Wednesday, March 8 Regular Night
Wednesday, March 15 No club meetings-Spring Break-Be safe and enjoy time off.
Wednesday, March 22 Inside-Out Night (Wear shirts & slacks/shorts inside out)
Wednesday, March 29 Regular Night
Wednesday, April 5 New Hairstyle Night (Come with a new hairstyle-be original and silly!)
With 2 weeks to go…work hard each week to finish your book
Wednesday, April 12 Regular Night
Wednesday, April 19 Last Night to complete your book for awards night
Parents, Friends and family members are welcome to attend.
Meet in the gym at 6:00 pm.
Each club will present a short program and receive awards for their work at Awana this year.
“Because Kids Matter to God”